Recent publications:

2020 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 62 - Cover design

2020 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 62 - Cosy Christmas wrap

2021 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 63 - Snowflake scaf

2021 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 63 - Snowflake scarf

2020 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 51 - Cover design

2020 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 51 - High note poncho pattern

2019 - Crochet Now Magazine
Issue 46 - Blossom infinity scarf

2019 - Sylecraft new designers competition
Runner up - Blossom infinity scarf
Let's work together
If you have a collaboration, design commission or an opportunity to work together, I’d love to hear about it! Please email [email protected]
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